the SRB2 Game Banana naming convention for mod file names

Normally the SRB2 message board naming convention would be used with no twists or turns for naming mod files but because SRB2 on Game Banana allows for submitting mods of outdated versions it means that there needs to be some additions to the naming convention.

On top of the prefixes already listed on the SRB2MB naming convention there are more to let people know what version said mod is for which are-

• HW = Holloween tech demo (the first release of Sonic Robo Blast 2)

• XM = Christmas demo

• F1 = demo 1

• F2 = demo 2

• F3 = demo 3

• F4 = demo 4

• R2 = version 2.0

• U3 = version 2.1.14 and before

• U3S = version 2.1.15 and after

here's how it should be used- (SRB2 Version Prefix)_(ModType Prefix)_(Addon Name)_(version number).(filetype)

Each one of the prefixes represent a different version of SRB2.

prefixes HW to F4 are self explanatory

R2 represents SRB2 version 2.0 being the official release of SRB2.

U3 represents how version 2.1 majorly updated so much of SRB2 and U3S represents the slopes era of SRB2 version 2.1.

For mods that are a W.I.P (work in progress) you mist add this mod type prefix-

• W = work in progress mod

Here's an example of it in use- SLW_MyMapWIP_v1.1.wad

The reason for this is that having people be confused on what is and isn't the unfinished version of a mod is a bad thing and it can be infuriating sometimes and especially on Netgames, the way on how the prefix can be used is that you can have as high of a version number as long as it has the W prefix and once the mod os finished for the release version go back to version 1 and remove the W prefix.

those are the extra prefixes added for mods of Sonic Robo Blast 2 on Game Banana so if you want to yhem add them into the names of your mod files when submitting them to Game Banana.